Setting Up Projects

Discussion of Project with the Facility

Before submitting samples for analysis, you must first discuss your research project with the Facility. This discussion will include presentation of the science, feasibility, and suggestions of appropriate sample preparation.


If they request samples to be sent for initial feasibility, a feasibility sample submission form MUST accompany the samples. Although your samples may be accepted for initial feasibility this is not approval to establish a project.

User Fees (Fund Authorization Form)

Once your project has been determined feasible, you will be charged a user fee according to the fee schedule below. Service samples (protein identification) are not considered feasibility and will be charged according to the fee schedule.

Internal / Affiliate users must complete a Fund Authorization Form (internal affiliate users are funded by UC sources and provide a valid UCSF Fund-DPA or UC chart string for payment).

External users must contact the Facility and request user setup (external users are funded by non-UC sources and charged via invoice and pay via check or wire transfer). Please complete the appropriate attached form.

Fee Schedule

Internal/Affiliate Rate: $ 53.58/per hour
External Rate: $111.61/per hour


Once feasibility of the research is confirmed a Resource member will request that you submit the Application for Project Approval form to establish a project. If the project is approved it will be assigned a project number and confirmed through an email sent to the investigators listed. This project number should accompany all sample submissions for the project. Collaborations are established on a project-by-project basis. Any different or new projects must be discussed with the Resource Director in advance.

Resource users agree to provide annual progress information as required for NIH reporting purposes. This information includes current financial support, updating investigators, providing work progress, and resulting publications.


When the project has been approved a Sample Submission Form should accompany all submitted samples. Each form should have a SHORT and UNIQUE sample name (i.e. Histone 1, next form Histone 2) and the PI's signature. If a project number has been assigned this must be included on the form. If you wish to submit more than 20 samples for analysis at one time please contact us prior to submission to obtain authorization.

Samples must be dropped off before 4:00pm Monday-Friday. Contact must be with the lab member assigned to your project PRIOR to dropping off samples.

Mail or drop off samples and forms to:

Mass Spectrometry Facility
University of California, San Francisco
600 16th Street, Genentech Hall, Room N472A, MC 2240
San Francisco, CA 94158-2517

Grant Acknowledgement Requirements

Publications generated from use of this facility are required to appropriately acknowledge the Bio-Organic Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Resource at UCSF. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Acknowledgment Example:
"Mass Spectrometry was provided by the Mass Spectrometry Resource at UCSF (A.L. Burlingame, Director) supported by the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation (AMRF) and the NIH-NIGMS."

Mass Spectrometer Funding Grant Number
Thermo Scientific LTQ-Orbitrap Velos NIH P41GM103481 and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Thermo Scientific LTQ-Orbitrap XL NIH P41GM103481
Thermo Scientific Q-Exactive Plus NIH P41GM103481 and 1S10OD016229
Thermo Scientific Exactive Plus EMR UCSF Research Resource Program and NIH P41GM103481
Thermo Scientific LTQ-Orbitrap Elite UCSF Research Resource Program
Thermo Scientific Fusion Lumos UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research (PBBR)
Thermo FAIMS Exploris 480 AMRF
Waters ACQUITY UPLC M-Class Chromatography System UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research (PBBR)

National Institute of General Medical SciencesAdelson Medical Research Foundation