
Mass Spectrometers

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Plus Orbitrap - nanospray infusion or LC/MS or LC/MSMS of peptides and proteins with HCD
Thermo Scientific Exactive Plus EMR Orbitrap - nanospray infusion or LC/MS of proteins or native protein complexes
Thermo Scientific LTQ-Orbitrap Velos - nanospray infusion, LC/MS or LC/MSMS with C-trap, HCD or ETD
Thermo FAIMS Exploris 480- nanospray infusion or LC/MS or LC/MSMS of peptides and proteins with HCD
AB Sciex/ABI QSTAR XL Q-TOF - LC/MS analysis of proteins and peptides
AB Sciex/ABI QSTAR Pulsar Q-TOF - LC/MS analysis of proteins and peptides
AB Sciex QTRAP 5500 - LC/MSMS analysis of peptides with MRM

Off-line Chromatography

Amersham Biosciences Akta HPLC system - Large scale sample preparation using ion exchange/size exclusion/affinity/hydrophilic interaction/reversed phase chromaography
GE Akta Pure - Large scale sample preparation using ion exchange/size exclusion/affinity/hydrophilic interaction/reversed phase chromaography

On-line nanoLC-MS

Waters NanoAcuity LC system
Thermo Dionex Ultimate 3000 RSnLC nano -Nano flow HPLC system

National Institute of General Medical SciencesAdelson Medical Research Foundation